“Earning a black belt at Quest Martial Arts Ann Arbor signifies an ending, a beginning, and a celebration and an acknowledgement of the transformation I have undergone. Furthermore, it signifies that I have the ability to persevere and to be connected and in the moment. And finally, it represents a responsibility for me to live and compose myself in a way that honors the art and those who have come before and after me.” -Adult Black Belt Student Many people think that when you earn a black belt, that it is the end of your training. Quite the opposite. It is only the beginning of mastery.
Transform your life at Quest Martial Arts Ann Arbor
The students at Quest Martial Arts Ann Arbor are constantly striving to become their best self. They know that to earn that black belt (and beyond) they must have incredible self-discipline, focus, and respect. But it is not automatic. Parents, how would increasing self-discipline, focus, and respect help your child in the future? With the skills obtained whilst earning a black belt, the students at Quest Martial Arts Ann Arbor have acquired scholarships for college; have been promoted at work; or even improved relationships with their family and friends. Even adults are working on these three qualities. As stated above, one of our students found that the transformation they underwent helped them in all aspects of their life because they have developed “the ability to persevere and to be connected and in the moment”. How do you think more self-discipline, better focus, and greater respect for yourself and others can improve your life? Call us at Quest Martial Arts Ann Arbor to schedule your first lesson! We have classes for ages 4 and up. Ninjutsu is a self defense based art and our adults love it! Our number is 734-332-1800. Our web address is